Tuesday, May 13, 2008

#222 Perfect

These are some tests from my school year. A test reading 100% would have been better, but unfortunately, none of my middle school teachers mark like that. It was kind of fun going through my binder because there were things in there from the first term. I'm either really unorganized or super organized because I'm always thinking I'll need papers I don't, so I just keep them! So I use a rather large binder...


Julie M said...

Great composition, Kate, and a good one for the theme.

Lisa B said...

Great results all round! As the paper is in French, do you go to French school or are all your schools bilingual?

Kate said...

I'm in French immersion, so half my classes are in French. (including math) Our school is split into Immersion and English programs. The French immersion classes are in the minority. (about 1/3...) Thank you, by the way. My friends all call me goody-two-shoes because of my marks, but I don't mind.

Julie M said...

Lisa, children in Ontario have the option of studying in French. For students from non-French backgrounds, there are 3 entry points for immersion study - early (grade 1), middle (grade 4), or late (grade 7). Kate, Cristina, and Isabelle are in early immersion, so have been studying in French the majority of their day since 1st Grade. Nice to have them with me at the cottage (in Quebec) as they serve as my translators.

Deb Campbell said...

Great job, Kate. On your grades and the theme. It's perfect actually.

Lisa B said...

Thanks for explaining the system. Sounds good!