Sunday, May 11, 2008

#14 Wooden

These are very old-fashioned snow-shoes that hang in my cottage. We use modernized ones now, but these are neat. I use them at an outdoor education center my class goes to in the winter.


Julie M said...

No indoor plumbing in the winter means we don't use the cottage much until May. One year we went up in January, and the snow was about 5 feet deep (possibly a slight exaggeration). I had to put those things on just to get to the outhouse! That was a hoot!

Lisa B said...

Oh my word!!! We can see the snow shoes, but I don't think seeing them actually equates to understanding what it is like to use them!

Kate said...

At the outdoor education center we actually have to hike in them, which is difficult. These things are always falling off or making you trip over your own feet, but hey! We are Canadian, these things aren't optional. The newer versions however, are a lot smaller and metal.